Yancey County Youth Vegetable Competition

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Yancey County Youth Garden Show

Location: Yancey County Resource Center

During the Yancey County Farmers Market

322 West Main St.

Burnsville, NC

Date: August 24, 2024

Entry Submission: 8 a.m.-9:00 a.m.

Entries can also be made on Friday, August 23 at the N.C. Cooperative Extension Yancey County Center during regular business hours (8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)

Judging: Beginning9:00 a.m.

Exhibitions Ending @ Noon

Has your child worked hard in the vegetable or flower garden this summer? They should consider entering vegetables or flower arrangements at the upcoming “Yancey County Youth Garden Show Competition!”  Youth ages 5-18 can submit vegetables or flowers to be judged. Cash prizes will be given for class winners and show champions.

We will follow the WNC Mountain State Fair guidelines for division of classes in general, but we reserve the right to not offer classes that do not have entries from 3 different youth exhibitors. Youth can only make 1 entry per class with the exception of the miscellaneous class. Youth participants can make up to 3 entries in the miscellaneous class. Although there may be several classes within each of these categories, youth participants should prepare their Entries according to the following guidelines:

  • Best Small Vegetable Plate (5-8 of a kind)
  • Best Medium Vegetable Plate (3 of a kind)
  • Best Small Fruit Plate (5-8 of a kind)
  • Best Medium Fruit Plate (3 of a kind)
  • Large Vegetable (single)
  • Large Fruit (single)
  • Fresh or dried cut herb (mono species)
  • Collection of Fresh or dried cut Herbs (multiple species)
  • Cut Flower Single Stem (in vase or bottle with water)
  • Cut Flower arrangement (in vase)
  • Potted Flower

We will have Extension Master Gardeners or Extension staff to assist with entering exhibits.

Show Rules:

  1. Entries may be submitted by youth ages 5-18. Youth DO NOT have to be enrolled as a member of 4-H to participate. This show is open to any Yancey County youth participant.
  2. Entries will be received from 8 a.m. -4:30 p.m. at the N.C. Cooperative Extension Yancey County Center on Friday, August 23, 2024 or on site the day of the show from 8-9 a.m.
  3. Judging will take place beginning at 9 a.m.
  4. Entries will be exhibited until 11:30 a.m. Youth should plan to pick up entries 11:30-Noon. Any entry not picked up by Noon may be discarded.
  5. Ribbons, Certificates, Premiums or Awards should be picked up on on the day of the show if possible. If not possible, youth may pick up their awards/premiums at the N.C. Cooperative Extension Yancey County Center within 2 weeks of the show. Awards, certificates, ribbons and/or premiums not picked up within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the show may be forfeited, and donated to the N.C. Cooperative Extension of Yancey County 4-H & Youth Development Program.
  6. Youth participants must have grown or assisted in growing the vegetables, fruits, herbs and/or flowers to enter them in the competition. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry suspected of not meeting the “youth grown or assisted in growing” requirement (i.e. suspected store bought fruit or vegetables).
  7. Youth may enter 1 entry into each class with the exception of the miscellaneous class. Classes will be determined following the guidelines for the WNC Mountain State Fair. Each class should contain at least 3 entries before it will be judged. Any class that does not include at least 3 entries may be judged in the “miscellaneous class”. Youth participants can make a maximum of 3 entries into the miscellaneous class, but will only receive the entry premium for 1 entry into this class.
  8. Individual youth participants may win or place top 3 in more than 1 class.
  9. Entries will be judged based on uniformity and quality (harvested at desired maturity, best appearance, free of blemish, free of dirt, etc.). Judges DO NOT have to award 1st (blue), 2nd (red) or 3rd (white) place in every class if the quality and uniformity of entries are not acceptable.
  10. Premium Cash Prizes will be awarded in this competition as follows:
  • Participants will receive $1 for each class entered
  • Each Class 1st Placement will receive $3
  • Each Class 2nd Placement will receive $2
  • Each Class 3rd Placement will receive $1
  • Premium Grand Champion and Champion Reserve will be dependent upon the amount of sponsorship received but normally ranges from $20-$60. Grand Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded as follows:
    • Grand Champion/Reserve Vegetable (Best in Show)
    • Grand Champion/Reserve Fruit (Best in Show)
    • Grand Champion/Reserve Fresh or Dried Herb (Best in Show)
    • Grand Champion/Reserve Flower (Best in Show)
    • Champion Best in Show
    • Champion Largest Fruit or Vegetable By Size

N.C. Cooperative Extension of Yancey County reserves the right to initiate policy or rule(s) to address any circumstance arising not addressed by these rules. This may be done in collaboration with the show judges.

If you would like to know more about the 2024 Yancey County Youth Vegetable Show, please contact David Davis (david_davis@ncsu.edu) or call the N.C. Cooperative Extension – Yancey County Center at (828) 682-6186.